When I first set out on my writing journey in 2009, I clipped my horoscope in the paper, which I never do, because I couldn’t believe what I read!

It said, “Do some writing. Once you let go, the process is enthralling. You’ll be surprised at what you learn about yourself.” Took that as my telltale sign. Sometimes life has a way of pointing us in the right direction.

I wrote my first book When the Universe Throws a Curveball – How a mom entrepreneur went from disappointment to living her passion in 2010, followed by my raw and real What Are the Odds? A mom shares her good, bad and what the f*ck moments in life & business in 2018 to put my legacy down on paper.

Fast-forward to today, Monday, May 10, 2021 I officially accomplished the mission I set out for myself to continue writing my story and the 52 life lessons I learned on my blog for my kiddos Caleb and Ellie. Was it easy? Well, let’s just say it was a consistent routine I had to get into. Was it worth it? HECK YES! 

To look back on the last 52 weeks of my life (minus my Monday vacations where I gave myself the day off from writing ?) and to see just how far I’ve come has been the highlight of this whole experience.

Here’s what else I learned throughout the process and why you ought to give storytelling a try!

❤ It took major commitment and dedication every week to write another story in my life and record a video, no matter how hard it was to go through it the first time, but I DID IT! Comfort zone gone.

❤ It reminded me of my BIG WHY – to leave a legacy and tell my stories to my kiddos in a creative way they, and I, could always have access to

❤ It allowed me to heal through some hard moments I simply didn’t want to relive, but couldn’t leave out because it is MY unique story and no one else’s

❤ I got to celebrate the wins hitting my 100th lesson, then hitting my halfway point, and now hitting the final lesson #140

❤ It reminded me how resilient I am and exactly where in my story my “badass” transformation took place, and boy was that fun!

❤ It created an inspirational movement and connected me with audiences on a global scale who continue on the incredible journey with me

❤ It provided me with more opportunities for my voice to be heard through speaking opportunities, podcasts and live streams to share my stories with new audiences

❤ Through my storytelling adventures, I was honored to be named one of Arizona’s top 48 greatest storytellers in summer of 2020 (coolest accolade ever!) by Quilted.io

But the biggest takeaway?

My story. Your story. It deserves to be told not locked away inside your head. It’s not just for you. It’s for every single person who can learn or glean insight from the experiences you’ve had no matter if they were good or bad.

Start sharing yours.

With love and light, signing off til next time!


Rule of Life Lesson #140